5 steps to prioritising safety in your workplace

Neil Conchie
January 13, 2021 9:15 AM
We all know that accidents and emergencies can happen at any time and can cause disruption and loss of productivity. So how can you prioritise safety to help mitigate some of the risk in your workplace? We share some of our top tips here.

1. Publicise your workplaces commitment to safety

Spreading awareness about the fact that your workplace is prioritising safety is arguably the first step to creating a safety-first culture. This isn’t just about prevention of accidents and incidents, it is also the commitment to following up on and investigating them.

2. Have a plan

A safety plan is a vital step to prioritising safety and should always include a hazard assessment. By identifying possible scenarios an incident could happen you can create specific plans to help mitigate them. Giving your plan to all embers of staff and leaders within your workplace and giving them training allows them to take some control over their own risk and makes them more aware of potential hazards which can increase compliance and further help with mitigating risk. If you already have a plan, then our encouragement would be to review it annually. Part of your plan should also include responses to any potential incident.

3. Provide a written protocol for your employees

Using the hazard assessment you created during your planning phase, you can create the guidelines for your workplace safety program and start to foster a safety culture throughout your entire workforce.

4. Encourage individual contributions to office safety

By providing opportunities such as annual updates to health & safety training, workplace wellness events and encouraging a whistleblower or open door policy you are further empowering each individual employee to take steps to keep themselves and their colleagues safe.

5. Implement and evaluate

Implementing your plan is paramount to creating a culture of safety in your workplace and to prevent as many incidents from happening as possible. As your plan is enacted, it is important to follow up on any incidents which do happen despite your planning to ensure that if it was preventable, you put steps in place to ensure it does not happen again. How is each part of the plan working? Are there any areas that need to be tweaked, such as communications?

How do you foster a safety culture in your workplace? Let us know how you prioritise safety in the comments, and contact us to see how we can help you ensure workplace safety with effective communications.