You can update planned maintenance by navigating to Planned Maintenance -> and clicking on the pencil icon next to the planned maintenance you would like to edit.
Now follow the steps below to update the Planned Maintenance.
Step 1: Build
On the screen above, please complete the appropriate fields:
Title: Enter a short description of the major incident, e.g. xxx system unavailable, intermittent network connectivity. This will be shown on the web dashboard.
Status: Select appropriate status for the planned maintenance
Start Time: the date and start time of the planned maintenance.
Estimated End Time: the estimated end date and time of the planned maintenance.
Description: Enter a brief description of the planned maintenance.
Instructions | Information | Workaround | Policy: Include additional information that is relevant to this planned maintenance, such as a workaround.
Click Next.
Step 2: Target
Please complete the following fields:
Ignore user subscription preference: Select this option if you would like to target the planned maintenance at locations only. The subscriptions field above will disappear.
Subscription: Click to browser or type to select an appropriate subscription affected by the planned maintenance. Multiple subscriptions can be selected to reflect the impact of the major incident.
Locations: Type to select appropriate locations affected by the incident if you know the location. Alternatively, use the checkboxes below to identify locations impacted.
Useful info:
Subscriptions and Locations work together to narrow the recipients your target.
Step 3: Save
Once step 2 above is completed and save button is clicked, Klaxon will display the planned maintenance on the Planned Maintenance dashboard page, as below.
Klaxon will then send out a weekly digest to everyone that is subscribed to the planned maintenance digest, outlining the impact to each subscription at the recipients location.